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Lasting Powers of Attorney

Mrs Jones contacted Sarah Furber at Hibberts to understand more about Lasting Powers of Attorney.  Sarah met with Mrs Jones and took detailed instructions, taking the time to understand her needs and circumstances before recommending that she made both a “Lasting Power of Attorney for Property & Financial Affairs” and a “Lasting Power of Attorney for Health & Welfare”.  Mrs Jones appointed her 2 adult children to be her Attorneys to make decisions relating to her property and finances if she became physically or mentally incapable of making these decisions for herself and to also make decisions about her care needs and any medical treatment that she may require in the future if she became mentally incapable of making these decisions.

Sarah prepared the Lasting Power of Attorney documents swiftly and met with Mrs Jones again to go through and sign the documents.  That advice proved to be incredibly timely, as shortly afterwards Mrs Jones fell and broke both her wrists.  She was unable to go to the bank or Post Office to withdraw or pay in money, pay bills or sign any paperwork.  Her Lasting Powers of Attorney had been registered by then, which meant that crucially her Attorneys could pay her bills, go into the bank and deal with her finances, which made her feel less worried about her finances and allowed her to focus on her recovery.  Without the expert and practical advice from Sarah, Mrs Jones would have been struggled to pay her bills and deal with her finances.  Mrs Jones was very glad that she had taken Sarah’s advice and made Lasting Powers of Attorney.