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Performance Management Proceedings

Lisa found the details of Camille at Hibberts LLP via a Google search done in a haze after coming out of a meeting with her boss where she was told she was not performing and had a choice between a settlement where she would leave with a months’ pay or going to a disciplinary hearing.

Camille’s calm manner calmed Lisa down from their first conversation. She took details from Lisa about what had happened to date, how an employer ought to deal with alleged poor performance and advised her upon the merits of an unfair dismissal claim, if she was sacked, or a constructive dismissal claim. With the help of Hibberts, Lisa exited the business on her terms.

Her exit package meant she left with her 3 months’ notice pay,  a tax free sum that was equivalent to another 4 months pay and the reassurance of a reference as part of the contract.

Disciplinary Proceedings

Matthew contacted Camille at Hibberts soon after he had gone off sick. Some months before, Matthew had been the subject of a complaint at work made by a colleague...

Employment Law

Settlement Agreement and Redundancy

Adam contacted Camille after he had been offered a settlement agreement at work as an alternative to redundancy. He first spoke to Danielle, Camille’s secretary and a file was...

Employment Law

Gross misconduct dismissal

Justin contacted Camille at Hibberts soon after he had received a disciplinary hearing invite letter from his employer. He had been subject to allegations of gross misconduct and an...

Employment Law